
(Stream) Louisville, KY - Black Panthers Expo 2022

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(Stream) Louisville, KY - Black Panthers Expo 2022

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Louisville KY - Black Panther Party Expo 2022

Detailed in this stream will showcase my memorable time in Louisville. The Revolutionary Party of Louisville, Kentucky delivered a blacktastic experience for our community. We were there from January 26-30.

Thursday we got the chance to have a conversation with the community at Roots 101, an African-American Museum and Resource Center.

Friday was a celebration of Black Arts Great Spoken Word Artists and Panel Discussion with Brother David Nelson, founder of the Last Poets and Blair Anderson friend to Brother Fred Hampton.

Saturday's Banquet completed this Panther experience. Everyone was honored and the Food by "Vegan God" was Blacklicious. Next time in Louisville, I know where I want to eat.

Dua Duau to Sister General Alhamara, Brother Dre and the entire Louisville Chapter of the Revolutionary Black Panther Party. I look forward to the future. Keep On Keepin' On. It ain't over 'til we win.

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